Monday, October 23, 2017

I'm writing again

Posted by unicornXmermaid at 6:51 PM 0 comments
hello people on earth, so let me just say that, first you guys asked for this!!!! hahaha that is for me to write again. haaa menyesal belum?? aku akan pastikan yang vote for me to write again to menyesal hahaha..yeah hi gaisss..miss me yet? hahaa. 

so cut this stupid hi hello BS so yeah . you guys have voted for my comeback entry aite?
hahah asal takde siapa nak aku tulis pasal 10 step to know if he is gay haha boleh aku buat research sedikit sebanyak haha..adekah lelaki memakai subang hitam dekat belah kiri sahaja gay? adakah jalan terkepit-kepit itu gay???!! haha
tapi what you guys voted for is something that is currently im facing with right now
so let me tell you the do's and don't whenever you facing a heartache, shattering, bloody break up haha

so that we can grew out of this together, shall we?

this upcoming post is for the people who never give up in love and those who are tired being with the wrong person whenever they thought that one special person was the one. it was never on how long you know them but more likely what you lost when they left.

this is my moral support to all of you, in hope that you wont do stupid stuff.

because at the end, losing yourself because you lose someone is not worth it.


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