Sunday, November 5, 2017

Step 2; Don't Jump

Posted by unicornXmermaid at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Image result for cat jumping off
Hi Guysss!!! you know today i was so determined on writing a post sampai i asked tipah which one should be the right title to put as the step 2 and thanks to her for being the one who supported me this few months ( tipu je..she almost killed me this one time when we are on our way back home from work hahaha)

Before we started on this second step of moving on, i hope that you guys already pass the acceptance phase because darling it was hell..i know boo and you succeed even just a bit it counts haha so chins up darling :)
you need to know that you must not jump into this ....
first buying nyx product at sephora because it is much cheaper in Hermo instead hahahaha kayy i'm just kidding.. sale junkie like me, you might understand this joke and if you are a guy and reading this blog mohon pedulikan lawak hambar diatas sebentar sahaja tadi.
Image result for cat jumping off
so if you are on the tip of a cliff i'm telling you baby please back off and if you are on top of a building ready to pretend that you can fly or shit like that i think it is probably the best if you take a few step back because you know you ain't superman honey and the least thing you'll get is probably a major injury on the head, instant death or a big bills for the hospitals. Are you seriously going to jump? are you really thinking this through and are they really worth your precious life? you have sacrificed a lot and now your life?

maybe some of you guys might be thinking like "apa lah kejadah sebab putus cinta nak bunuh diri..takda agama dah ke?" or maybe "inilah mesti dah ****** tu pasal nak bunuh diri..first babe you are not in the place to judge someone mental health and you are not the one to judge the faith of that person. not everyone are strong enough to face test that god put them through sometimes they need guidance not nonsense bull**** like above.

and to my babies who thought by ending your life will make him/her regret shit they have done to you. you need to know first they wont probaby give a ****. so don't self harm yourself. there are still people that love you sayang and an arsehole like them won't appreciate a gems like you. Don't jump you'll make a mess and it ain't worth it sayang. Do you think that he will regret those promises he breaks? no baby no, he is laughing with his hands running on his new girl and news flash she ain't you. Don't jump baby hold my hand and take a step back. don't cry over those shit heads ever again

the other thing you don't want to jump into is from one toxic relationship to another. Again why are you running in circle getting into one snake to another. haven't you seen the pattern where they have been spitting the same venom all over again?
i'm not being bitter and telling you to stop believe in love because what i'm saying is you should give love another chance but the most important part is give you yourself a chance. Stop taking every guy that cupid shoots his arrow for you, take a few months to know that guy and his intention towards you. you are seeking for a rebound? honey that will only heal you temporarily and as the saying goes "it is better to be alone for your whole life rather than being with a wrong company"

follow an advice from my wawa which is 

" be with someone that loves you and not the one where you are the one who love them because if thats the case you can be easily replaced" 

SO DON'T JUMP BUT INSTEAD GIVE THE TIME FOR YOURSELF TO PONDER THE BEST THING FOR YOU. KEEP CALM AND GO FOR A HOLIDAY (that doesn't involve jumping off a building or shit liddat) kbabaii

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Step 1 ; The Acceptance

Posted by unicornXmermaid at 1:18 AM 0 comments
Image result for cat paw
hahaha so yeah again i told you previously that i will write again and if you asked me about 10 steps to move on i need to tell you things like cliche stuff yknow like for example go stuff your face with chocolates hahahaha. okay baby wipe off that tears of yours, they left after they promised their life with you don't they?
and every night you keep on repeating that moment they look at you smiling or the way they treat you whenever you sulk. It hurts? i know it does.

The first and major step in moving on is acceptance, and baby, not everyone can accept things changed not like how they used to because everyone is different. When things like this happen to me, it took me a solid 2 weeks of me and myself alone to learn to accept. Throughout the 2 weeks there are sobbing on my bed while watching love stories, sending heartbreak text trying to make him realize what he did wrong (stupidest idea ever), putting sad caption on social media and lastly trying to pickup the pieces he broke. In conclusion i look like a sad pathetic puppy who his owner died of cancer or something and i will wait on his grave expecting to revive haha lol

when someone left the hardest part in moving on is :
" accepting the fact that they left"

why do you need to accept?
because baby when you still hold on to them you'll keep hurting yourself. I know deep down inside everything still hurts those hearts of yours. even if you smiling and pretending there is nothing bothering you. Can it really fool yourself in thinking that you are okay? 

the analogy of mine is quite simple, one of your favourite mug suddenly dropped and shattered into pieces. you have lost something precious and keep on trying holding those little pieces in hope to fix it. Without you realizing, your hand is bleeding from the cuts that little pieces of mug did to you because you have been holding the sharpest piece all along.

in life you will hold onto the memories and promises
its either the promise they made where they said they will never leave you
the little gestures that they did whenever you guys are together
the way they react when they first met your family

this pieces..let it go

baby, take as much time as you want in accepting the fact that they left but remember if its not now then when? your heart will get tired that is why baby let it go and don't hurt yourself more. damaged have been made don't add up the wound.

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